Selasa, 19 April 2022

asking for favor

   In certain situations sometimes we are required to ask for help / help from others. We need not be shy or embarrassed because this is a normal thing. Have you ever asked someone for something? If so, how do you say it?

   In English, the pronunciation of asking for a favor is different for formal and informal conversations. What's the difference and how do you use it?
Asking for favor example:
1. Can you do me a favor?
 This phrase is the simplest and simplest way of asking favors. If you are in daily conversation with your friends you can use this phrase.

 2. May I + verb
 You can use the simple form with “may” when the help you are asking for requires permission.
 May I use your car?

3. Could/Would you do me a favor?
 You can start a conversation by using this phrase to find out if someone is going to help you. Both of these phrases are formal in nature so they can be used more politely with strangers, or older people.

 4. Could you please + verb
 In everyday situations you can use this phrase to ask for help with certain actions.
 Could you please open the door?

5. Could you possibly + verb
 This phrase is suitable for asking for help in a very polite way.
 Could you possibly help me with this question?

6. Could I ask/bother/trouble you + infinitive
 You can also use this phrase in formal situations with the infinitive form of the verb.
 Could I ask you to help my sister?

7. Would you mind + verb + ing
 Use forms of this phrase to ask for help in everyday situations by using the gerund form of the verb.
 Would you mind showing me where is the bathroom?
This is example dialog from video YouTube

Rabu, 06 April 2022

Speed reading (Extensive Reading)

What you know about this is?
→Under from the text is my screenshoot from my speed reading 
And then what you know about speed reading?
•Speed ​​reading is a technique in reading to be able to get information directly to the problem or fact being sought.  Speed ​​reading is a method of speed reading that is done by reading silently.  By reading this speed, you will get maximum information in the shortest time and also with a high level of understanding of the contents of the reading as well.

•speed reading technique
-Skimming Technique
   Skimming speed reading technique is a technique to be able to find the main idea or other important things in the reading. For example: reading encyclopedias, dictionaries, indexes, yellow pages, etc
-Scanning Technique
 Scanning speed reading technique is a reading technique to understand information from a reading.
Benefits of Skimming and Scanning
 Below are the benefits of skimming and scanning are as follows:
Can search for a specific information needed quickly
Can browse many pages of a book in a relatively short period of time
It doesn't take much time to find something you want from a book.
•Speed Reading Goals
   Speed reading certainly has a purpose, the purpose of speed reading is to minimize the use of time so that the time in reading is relatively short and we are still able to get results and also understand what we read.

Asking for information and details(speaking in form context)

What you know about asking information and details?
Let me to explain you, 
What asking information?
→Asking for information is an expression sentence to ask something. This expression is used to ask someone for information at a certain time.
How about the rule for asking information
1. Using question
In asking for information, we must use interrogative sentences consisting of 5W + 1 H. Such as why, when, what, where, who, and how. With this, the person you ask will understand what kind of information you need.
2. Using Auxiliary Capital
 Apart from question words, you can also use auxiliary words, such as could, can, would, will, should, shall, may, might, must, and had to.

And then how to distinguish using formal language by not using formal language?
Example using formal language
  -"could you tell me about this places?"
  -"Could you find out where is he go?"
  -"I wonder if you could tell me about his daily activity?"
Example not using formal language 
  -"Can you tell me what time the train arrive?"
  -"Can you tell me about the course schedule in this week?"
  -"Do you know what happen in here?"

And the link for example for the conversation about asking for information and details

Queqer is instan oatmeal

  Queqer is instant oatmeal by 5 minute        I am a people is not used to having breakfast in the morning. before I entered college I wasn...